Le Baiser
A kiss is magical, it is soft, it is carnal, sensual, electric, exciting, it is intimate and simple :
“A kiss is the best way to be silent while saying everything” Guy de Maupassant.
Beyond that, the kiss I think about is Love. Love is life, Love is the most beautiful thing about Humanity, what can save it and nowadays I think we need it more than ever because it is the remedy against gloom:
« when the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace » John Lennon.
Love, there is nothing as meaningful and as deep that can you feel that light.
Thibault Stipal, Paris 2013
Tes Baisers
There was the first. Shivery and passionate.
Then the late ones, at night, undisciplined and free, the drunk ones, impatient and a bit clumsy, the morning ones, shy and tender. I loved the virtual ones, but also the jealous, impetuous and rebellious ones. The ones I asked for, the ones you forgot and the unfinished ones. I also loved the noisy ones that make us laugh, and the elegant ones, stunning, that strike the heart and burn the blood. I was moved by the sad ones on my tears, the passionate ones on my sweat and the quick ones at 8.45 am. I've waited for those of reconciliation and anticipated the declaration ones. I've savored the perfumed, the salty and the wet ones as well. I will never forget the ones that caressed, comforted and transported me. They all stir me, not only the bold and exalted ones, but also the simplest, everyday ones, the silent ones that whisper to me. And then there is my favorite: the love one that vibrates in each.
Amandine, Paris 2014